Friday, September 20, 2024

“Men & Women” nowadays are like “Cosco Samples” ..”A toothpick lodged into a piece of meat”.

When your brain doesn't receive the right nutrients, it literally starts to starve. And that's when you start to suffer those embarrassing senior moments...

Life Lifts Time of our lives, the best to cum, songs to sing, notes to share. Salted old timer on the beach, Newport Beach, California, 420.

From Primate to Politicians .EVERY CLOUD HAS A SILVER LINING. Talk on the street says…Court order May 5, 2023, forces real estate agency, to change pending to expired. Just to let you know.

Life Lifts Time of our lives, the best to cum, songs to sing, notes to share. Salted old timer on the beach, Newport Beach, California, 420.

From Primate to Politicians .EVERY CLOUD HAS A SILVER LINING. Talk on the street says…Court order May 5, 2023, forces real estate agency, to change pending to expired. Just to let you know.

Dallas and fort worth, Seattle, and back to Texas, for our nations birthday of the USA.Cops and liars, hits and misses.

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5151: Made in America.2022, spend the money, sell the house, horse and pony show, tricks of the trade, not my money, he said. Dan Evan, wanted to know, are you going to sell your house, do the online contract, pay the fee.

Drunk groom kills his bride and wedding guests in horrific shooting
Adorable. Flipped, games played, life on the beach, good tales to spin. Stories told long ago, holiday hits, to give, to get, circles of love, circles of luck.
DRINK DEEP, of the Grail, of (((WISDOM))) LOSING MY RELIGION.COME ON INNER PEACE DON'T HAVE ALL DAY. I 'asked my Grandma "what's good for headaches"... She said "staying away from the mf who gave it to you"'.

Seasons, Reasons, Causes,Candles In The Wind, Dust To Ashes, Wits And Charms, Seasons Of Love, Luck, Lessons 2.Give back, for the desires for more pennies.Pennies more, not pennies less always best.

 Your request may be expedited at an additional cost: LEASE TRANSFER AGREEMENT.The DocuSign has been resent, please make sure that you are checking you spam folder as well, as your shit basket. For the dung and fecal matter from Spruce Powers, the worst solar panel company in the USA.‘

Luxury is laughter and friends, luxury is rain on your face, luxury is hugs and kisses.
Don't look for luxury in shops, don't look for it in gifts, don't look for it in parties, don't look for it in events!“Men & Women” nowadays are like “Cosco Samples” ..”A toothpick lodged into a piece of meat”.
Luxury is being loved by people

Stuck In The Middle With You. Games Played, Rabbits And Snakes: Sheep And Goats Tell. Coins and cards to flip. Purple rain, purple hay in fields, stars in heaven, moments to share, Prince now gone, yesterday, candles in the winds, songs to sing, loves that were lost. Angels in the skies, angels on earth, angels in host, dreams of pot, dreams of blue dreams, dazes in the sun, glory dazes done.
Not Dead Yet, Life, A Work In Progress.A Raising Star Or Two. Just saying...its your move.
DRINK DEEP, of the Grail, of (((WISDOM)))Dances on the beach.DREAM big. SPARKLE more. SHINE bright.


Oasis of the Mind: Monkeys In Packs, Crooks, Cheaters, Liars.Donkey Dates, Dawgs, Dicks, Veterans Taken. SEEKING FRIEND, COMPANION: Frogs To Date.
May be an image of 1 person

 Do not stop doing something you like due to lack of time because time never returns... * The day is today! No one escapes real life. In the heart of the earth, where magic crystals grow, lies the secret light that makes the whole world glow." Communication is like a recipe. If you leave out a key ingredient, the whole thing can turn into a disaster. 

Do not correct a fool, or he will hate you. Correct a wise man and he will appreciate you.'Breaking the Silence: To Understand Normal Thinking!

Thursday, September 5, 2024

Robin Williams once said: "I think the saddest people always try their hardest to make people happy. Because they know what it feels like to feel absolutely worthless and they don't want anybody else to feel like that.

 Oh no, honey, I am an angel, i swear. The horns are only there to hold up the halo.It was enough to cut her sire out of the picture completely for this reason, ( so the hair is not going to grow yet, too much hate and control on line here).'SORRY, BONNIE. No SLUTS IN HEAVEN.'

 When we think of negativity we attract it.Do not allow anyone to define you.Horses in barns, sisters with stories, tales online,history noted, over time and space, classes on love and hate. Chasing the Sun.

    Tin Solders Tales Twisted.  Practice problems to share, classes on the shores of time and space. Happy notes taken on frogs and freaks. Hazes of lies from land whales.Meanwhile in the North Woods… Lunch with Oneida County’s finest.
COME ON INNER PEACE DON'T HAVE ALL DAY.Rites to stand, leaders of lights, lessons to learn, tests over time. Good times, times of sorrow, faces in the mirror.I 'asked my Grandma "what's good for headaches"... She said "staying away from the mf who gave it to you"'. NY: Frank Agresti. Fingers in the air, sit and spin, American Birds. Mother Goose, Jesus Christ, Cows, cattle, hippos, and land whales, fuck for time of day, lovers and haters:

SORRY, BONNIE. No SLUTS IN HEAVEN.'The Good, The Bad, and the Downright Awful. 'HAIL MARRY ".It's time for "The View" to vamoose- GAMES OF LOVE. GAMES OF CHANCES, MOUNTAINS TO CLIMB, SEAS TO CROSS, WRITING TIME NOW.Special To Me.


No photo description available.

'WHAT SHE SAID'. Talk on the street says...LEASE TRANSFER AGREEMENT.The DocuSign has been resent, please make sure that you are checking you spam folder as well, as your shit basket.

For the dung and fecal matter from Spruce Powers, the worst solar panel company in the USA. ..History recorded, tales and treats. His stories, her stories, family stories, saints and sinners tell. Jokers in school, jokers to the right, tips and tweets to shine the lights.

Love me, Hate me., it really doesn't matter, but what does matter is that u can't ignore me...!! Traveller. The Good, The Bad, and the Downright Awful. 'HAIL MARRY ".It's time for "The View" to vamoose- GAMES OF LOVE. GAMES OF CHANCES, MOUNTAINS TO CLIMB, SEAS TO CROSS, WRITING TIME NOW.Special To Me.
ATTORNEY LEGAL NETWORKING GROUP. Muhammad S ·Harvey_specterr: I will draft non disclosure agreement, nda, legal contract, legal agreement or policy for $30 on FIVERR.COM. When we think of negativity we attract it.Do not allow anyone to define you.Horses in barns, sisters with stories, tales online,history noted, over time and space, classes on love and hate. Chasing the Sun.

I'M NOT ANTI-SOCIAL, I'M SELECTIVELY SOCIAL THERE'S A DIFFERENCE.'Connected points of views, fish and frogs, dates in the garden of the dead, tales on the water.Exactly how many more gallons of semen does one need to swallow before they get their [HOONIGAN] sticker for their genesis coupe sent to them? Asking for a friend.
Into The Woods, Into The Water, Into The Dark: Veterans Homeless Blues.If you woke up today, that’s reason enough to be grateful. If you have food to eat, that’s a reason to be grateful.
Into The Woods, Into The Water, Into The Dark: Veterans Homeless Blues.If you woke up today, that’s reason enough to be grateful. If you have food to eat, that’s a reason to be grateful.
The National Rifle Association's legal troubles have cost the powerful gun-rights group at least $100 million over the last few years. ..N...

"LET SILENCE BE YOUR MOTTO, UNTIL DUTY BIDS YOU TO SPEAK. THE BIZZARRO EFFECT OF UNIVERSAL INSANITY.The expressions on their faces have absolutely SENT ME. ~Peeping Artemis. NEED D YOu ALL TO SWEAR... FuCK ..! NG대.... LIKE, A PROMISE!! yorigo n'.It’s NOW or NEVER.Family Matters: Ready for What?. Money comes ..Enough for the Charmed...

Buy their shit, so they can collect, $30,000 from you. Sign the transfer. No way Jose.


I'M NOT ANTI-SOCIAL, I'M SELECTIVELY SOCIAL THERE'S A DIFFERENCE.'Connected points of views, fish and frogs, dates in the garden of the dead, tales on the water.Exactly how many more gallons of semen does one need to swallow before they get their [HOONIGAN] sticker for their genesis coupe sent to them? Asking for a friend.
May be an image of 2 people and text

DRINK DEEP, of the Grail, of (((WISDOM)))Dances on the beach.DREAM big. SPARKLE more. SHINE .


Robin Williams once said: "I think the saddest people always try their hardest to make people happy. Because they know what it feels like to feel absolutely worthless and they don't want anybody else to feel like that.

To end: effects never dies on one hand and no on the other hand: define as next opportunity, turning the page and moving forward.Anyone else reached that age where you gain weight if you breathe?''Conversation Starter ·Life is all we do with passion....the rest is to kill the time .


Robin Williams once said: "I think the saddest people always try their hardest to make people happy. Because they know what it feels like to feel absolutely worthless and they don't want anybody else to feel like that.